
On this page you will find some videos that either highlight our company, products, or describe some of the components of our product, such as the humidification systems we use in our two main humidified display units - the ClimaStand and ClimaCab.

Company Profile

Learn about how Acoustic Remedy was born, building of the first prototypes, working with the Amish, and preserving instruments for a lifetime of use.

Story Tellers Museum

Johnny Cash's hideaway farm has been converted into a historical museum and concert venue in Bon Aqua, TN.  We've had distinguished pleasure of protecting some off the Man in Black's guitars at the hideaway museum.  Currently the museum has four Flamed Maple ClimaCases and there are likely more in the future. 

We've published some blogs on this and plan to highlight this monumental accomplishment for AR in more ways than one.  Here's a couple links to videos shot at the museum.  See if you can spot the ClimaCases hanging on the walls of the museum, including one stage right holding Johnny's guitar on the stage Johnny played on.


Acoustic Life Review of Acoustic Remedy Cases:

ClimaCab Display Systems:

ClimaCab Petite with Bout/Neck Rest

Learn about our smallest cabinet in our multi-instrument humidor line.  We have some innovative features incorporated that can be found nowhere else in the humidor market.

ClimaCab Production Video - 2020

A quick video showing the production of ClimaCabs.  It includes some great shots from the Amish shop, component pieces, and is backdropped by some good tunes.


Dry Ice Test

Displays the airtightness of the case by using dry ice to simulate how air would behave in a similar situation.  This is very solid evidence that the gasket and latch system work perfectly together.  The combination of these two key components is the backbone of our product and the main reason we received our patent from the USPTO.


En Route to Artisan Guitar Show - 2019:

TotalStand Kickstarter Video:

Sneak Peak of Acoustic Remedy Cases Profile Video:

We took a drive out to Amish country to capture some of the magic of the bluff countryside surrounding La Crosse, WI and also some footage inside the shop.  This footage will eventually make its way into the final company profile video.

Acoustic Remedy from Media Works Productions on Vimeo.

Cocobolo Build:

Acoustic Remedy @ Gibson Gear Fest - 2013:

We sent some nice cases to Gibson to display at their booth.  The combo looks pretty nice if you ask us!


Taylor Guitars

The Two-Way Humidification Packets (formerly Humidpak) are strongly recommended and endorsed by Bob Taylor, CEO of Taylor Guitar Co. Check out this video of Bob Taylor describing why he is such a huge supporter of this humidity control method above all others.


Boveda is the developer of the Two-Way Humidification Packets.  They started out in the cigar world and soon found that the market needed reliable humidity control for wooden instruments.  Here are a couple videos of demonstrations of how to use the system and some dry ice test they completed showing how leaky the standard guitar case really is.